August 1996 Hike to Goat Rocks Wilderness

Goat Rocks Wilderness, probably Lake 5058 or therabouts - Darien, Michael and Debbie Goat Rocks Wilderness, looking at Mt. Rainier Goat Rocks Wilderness, Mark and Rik, perhaps at Lake Corral Goat Rocks Wilderness Goat Rocks Wilderness, Cispus Pass - Darien, Mark, Rik Goat Rocks Wilderness, crossing snow fields Goat Rocks Wilderness, Rik's camp at Cispus River Goat Rocks Wilderness, looking back from Cispus camp Goat Rocks Wilderness, more fun in the snow fields Goat Rocks Wilderness, Darien, Debbie, Michael and Mark at Cispus camp Goat Rocks Wilderness Goat Rocks Wilderness, basalt cliff Goat Rocks Wilderness, cooling off in Sheep Lake, James, Darien, Brett, Rik, Michael